Продукти за netbait grow (16)

Мрежа за рибовъдство

Мрежа за рибовъдство

Made of HDPE (high density polyethylene). It is placed in aquaculture to block the fish. It has UV to not be damaged by sunlight. Length:50m Height:1.20m Colors:Black
Пипетен накрайник 50-1000 PP (син)

Пипетен накрайник 50-1000 PP (син)

Pipette Tip 50-1000 PP (blue)
FITOBACT - Помощно средство за растения, съдържащо живи микроорганизми (Bacillus subtilis) за подобряване на реколтата

FITOBACT - Помощно средство за растения, съдържащо живи микроорганизми (Bacillus subtilis) за подобряване на реколтата

Intended use: a plant aid containing living microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis) to improve crop yield, plant health and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Product benefits: Increases the yield of cultivated crops Stimulates the growth and development of plants Increases plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions Improves the quality of plant products Accelerates the ripening/maturation time of plants Directions for use: Seed treatment: a treatment shall be carried out on the day of sowing by soaking seeds for 1-2 hours or by spraying with the working solution. The treated seeds are sown immediately or first dried in the shadow, and then sown no later than 8 hours after treatment. Avoid direct sunlight when drying the seeds! Treatment of saplings and seedlings: spray saplings and seedlings evenly with the working solution before planting while avoiding direct sunlight, or immerse plant roots in the solution.
Капия пипер

Капия пипер

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Черешови стъбла, Черешови стебла, Stipites Cerasorum

Черешови стъбла, Черешови стебла, Stipites Cerasorum

We can offer cherry stems, cherry stalks as a raw material for herbal tea produc - Cherry stems, cherry stalks can be packed in cardboard boxes, PP bags or pressed bales.
Ролка за тръстика

Ролка за тръстика

Röhrichtwalzen sind zylindrische Baukörper, die für den Erosionsschutz mit Ufer- und Sumpfpflanzen vorkultiviert sind. Röhrichtwalzen bestehen aus dicht gepresster Kokosfaser, eingefasst in einem Kunstfaser - Netzschlauch. Je nach späterem Einsatzbereich sind sie mit 10 St. / lfm Röhrichtarten vorbepflanzt und über eine Vegetationsperiode vorkultiviert. Die Standardlänge einer Röhrichtwalze beträgt 3,0 m (Durchmesser 30 cm). Zum Zeitpunkt des Einbaus haben die Pflanzen die Walze voll durchwurzelt und sich zu einem kräftigem Bestand entwickelt, der nichtausgespült werden kann. Röhrichtwalzen können mit einem Bisamgitter kombiniert werden, um einen Bisambefall des neu hergerichteten Ufers zu unterbinden.
Вид влакно FM - Микровлакна

Вид влакно FM - Микровлакна

Stahldrahtfasern für den Sicherheitsbe- reich (z.B. Tresorbau) sowie für den Ein- satz in hochfesten bzw. ultrahochfesten Betonen. Durch den Einsatz dieser Faser wird die Leistungsfähigkeit des Betons gesteigert. Unter anderem werden Druckfestigkeit und Duktilität deutlich verbessert. Anwendungsbereiche: • UHPC (Ultra hochfester Beton) • Tresorbau • Spezialanwendungen Abmessungen: ø 0,15mm - 0,22mm Werkstoffe: 1.4016; 1.4301; 1.4401; 1.4828; 1.4841; 1.4845
Витка връв

Витка връв

As climbing material for vegetables we have developed new twines made out of pure paper and viscose. The twines are available with1,7 mm Ø and a tensile strength of 45 kgs and a diameter of 1,6 mm and a tensile strength of 20 kgs and can be used for e.a. in tomato-, pepper- and cucumber cultures. This product is protected from the European Patent Law. The patent no. is EP 18 42 944. Properties: - the white colour reflects the light which the vegetables need for growing - comfortable in handling - bio-degradable, environmentally friendly - can be shared with a shredder - valuable compost, together with the vegetables - combusts residue-free - no costs for disposal after harvest - harmless for human and wildlife GarnTec Tendril twines are made from 100 % natural materials that do not contain plastics, PVC or other materials that are non bio-degradable. As a result our twines decompose completely. The yarns can be ordered in continious length on spools or wound on wire hooks.
Микроплата, Полистирен, 96 Ямки, V-образна

Микроплата, Полистирен, 96 Ямки, V-образна

Micro Plate, Polystyrene, 96 Wells, V Shape
Микротръба SafeFit, 5,0 мл с капачка

Микротръба SafeFit, 5,0 мл с капачка

Micro Tube SafeFit, 5.0 ml with Cap
Пробирка, винтов капак, 20/76 мм, кръгло дъно, стоящ ръб

Пробирка, винтов капак, 20/76 мм, кръгло дъно, стоящ ръб

Test Tube, Screw Cap, 20/76 mm, Round Bottom, Standing Rim
Памучен апликатор 150 мм PP, малка глава

Памучен апликатор 150 мм PP, малка глава

Cotton Applicator 150 mm PP, Small Head
Разбъркваща шпатула 120 мм, Полистирен

Разбъркваща шпатула 120 мм, Полистирен

Stirring Spatula 120 mm, Polystyrene
Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Pipette Tip 0,1 - 20 PP (crystal)
Памучен апликатор 150 мм Alu, мини глава, стерилен...

Памучен апликатор 150 мм Alu, мини глава, стерилен...

Cotton Applicator 150 mm Alu, Mini Head, sterile individually